SmithPRO in conjuction with Western Media and Sports covers all the PBR UTB events as well as many of the PBR Velocity and Touring Pro events.

Links to recent coverage:

PBR Canada Championship
Life of Cody and Korie Nance
Round 1 PBR Finals 2018
Leme Wins Rd 1 in Nampa, ID
Pacheco Wins Fairfax, VA
UTB in Springfield, MO
PBR Debut in Washington DC
Nance Wins Anaheim Invitational
PBR Global Cup in Edmonton Canada

For more click here to go to Rodeo SmithPRO  and click here to go to Western Media and Sports

Previous Information:

2017 PBR BFTS Finals Schedule for SmithPRO athletes
Agent in attendance - Wendell Berry wberry@smithprollc.com  940-393-2698
(smith@smithprollc.com for Sheri Smith 417-342-5842)

10/28    Saturday        3:30 MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                    7 pm PBR Velocity Finals 1st performance South Point Arena

10/29    Sunday           11AM - 12PM Total Feeds Autograph signing South Point
                                    2-3:30 PM Velocity Tour Finals Rider Autograph South Point
                                    3:30 MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                    7 PM Velocity Tour Finals 2nd performance South Point Arena

10/30    Monday           1:30 MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                     7 PM Velocity Tour Finals 3rd performance South Point Arena

10/31    Tuesday          11-12 AM Total Feeds Autograph Signing South Point
                                     1:30 - 3 PM Rider check in and meetings
                                     7 -9 PM PBR Heroes & Legends Celebration (doors open @6PM)

11/1      Wednesday    8 -4 Personal Fitness Trainers Fit N Wise
                                   3:30 MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                   4:30 – 5 PM Ford Blue Carpet World Finals Bull Rider Arrival Show
                                   7 PM PBR Finals Round 1 Performance (ABBI Classic Round)

11/2      Thursday        8 -4 Personal Fitness Trainers Fit N Wise
                                    11 AM MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                    Mike Lee Rodeo Round Up interview after MBR at MBR arena
                                    11:30 AM Sean Gleason Rookie Lunch
                                    4:30 – 5 PM Ford Blue Carpet World Finals
                                   7 PM PBR Finals Round 2 Performance

11/3      Friday            8 -4 Personal Fitness Trainers Fit N Wise
                                   11-12 AM Total Feeds Autograph Signing South Point
                                   3:30 MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                   4:30 – 5 PM Ford Blue Carpet World Finals
                                   7 PM PBR Finals Round 3 Performance
                                    10:30-11:30 PM PM Mike Lee autograph signing Stoney's 6611 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

11/4      Saturday         8 -4 Personal Fitness Trainers Fit N Wise
                                     9:30 – 11:30 AM PBR Rider Meet & Greet Autograph signing South Point

                                    2 PM Dener Barbosa Interview with Rodeo Round Up (TBD)
                                    3:30 PM MBR Mike Lee's son Noah competing South Point
                                    5:30 – 6:00 PM Ford Blue Carpet World Finals
                                    8 PM PBR Finals Round 4 Performance & ABBI Classic Finals
            Brooklyn Bridge @New York New York Rider
            Meet & Greet/After Party Appearance Mike Lee & Dener Barbosa

11/5      Sunday          8 - 4 Personal Fitness Trainers Fit N Wise
                                   10:30 – 11 AM Ford Blue Carpet World Finals
           1 PM Rounds 5 & 6 Performance

Professional Bull Riders
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pbr/



SmithPRO photo gallery and articles https://smithpropbr.blogspot.com/

PBR 2017

photo : Andre Silva